
We believe that openness and good communication throughout the organisation promotes a better work culture.

Reporting of concerns (whistleblowing) is to report possible illegal or suspected illegal, actions and violations of Mer’s Code of Conduct. Examples of violations include, but are not limited to corruption, embezzlement, bullying, harassment, discrimination, incidents related to health and safety, substance abuse, and violations of environmental and human rights.

We acknowledge identifying and preventing violations of laws, regulations and our Code of Conduct depends on the willingness of employees and external parties to report concerns. Employees have the right and responsibility to report concerns. External parties, and employees of associated companies, are also encouraged to report concerns they become aware of.

Mer encourages everyone to report any concern they become aware of. Both employees and external parties may use our whistleblowing channel. However, we do encourage our staff to discuss their concerns with their line management first if they feel able.

Reports of concern can be made to Mer’s independent Whistleblowing Channel, which is handled by KPMG AS. This can be accessed in four possible ways:

  • Submit your concern via KPMG’s online and secure reporting channel
  • Send an email to: [email protected]
  • Write to: KPMG v/Gransking og Compliance, Postboks 7000 Majorstuen, N-0306 Oslo.
  • Call KPMG’s hotline (+47) 406 39 400. Opening hours for the telephone line are Monday-Friday at 09.00 – 15.30. The caller´s telephone number will not be visible to the responder from KPMG.

When reporting a concern through the whistleblowing channel a reporter may choose to report anonymously. When reporting anonymously we encourage whistleblowers to use KPMG’s online and secure reporting channel and follow the instructions contained therein.

Mer’s principles for the handling of any reports of concerns are:

  • All reports will be taken seriously
  • All reports will be dealt with as quickly as possible
  • The handling of a report is done thoroughly on a confidential basis
  • Mer will ensure the rights of all parties
  • If you report a concern in good faith, we ensure that you may report it without fear of negative consequences, reprisals, or retaliation