Make EV Charging Work for Your Organisation

With years of knowledge in the field, we know how to make your EV charging implementation work best for you and better for the planet.

Experienced Design Consultants

Our experienced charging consultants work to understand your business needs and advise on the best architecture design.

Expert EV Charging Strategies

With a tailored charging hardware model, you can get the right chargers, with the right power, at the right time.

Unbeatable Aftercare Service

We offer an aftercare service to ensure operations run smoothly and your vehicles stay on the road.

Commercial EV Charging

Attract EV drivers to your roadside and retail destinations with suitable and reliable EV charging infrastructure. We work with commercial property owners to create charging hubs for the public.

Learn more about commercial ev-charging infrastructure

Local Authorities EV Charging

Provide EV charging stations for the public or explore installing EV charging hubs at specific locations. We work with public sector bodies to install, future-fit EV infrastructure.

Start the journey with EV charging for local authorities

EV Charging Petrol Stations

Meet the growing demand from EV drivers and ensure your petrol station provides rapid EV charging. We are experts in integrating EV chargers into forecourts.

Add EV chargers to your petrol station's services for drivers

Sustainability at our Core
It’s at the heart of what we do, and we help your organisation meet your sustainability goals too.

The transition from fossil fuels means every UK organisation that operates vehicles needs to develop a sustainable strategy incorporating EV charging architecture.

See what Mer can do for you

World beating business EV charging made to last

Built to Last

Our charge points are built to last for years to come.

Reliable Reporting

Report on CO2 savings with our back office software.

Power Management

Get the most out of your power with load balancing.

Electrify your Fleet

Keep your electric fleet charged and on the road with EV fleet architecture. We support your fleet and design tailored charging implementations specific to your operational needs.

Discover more about ev-charging for your fleet

Adaptable EV Charging Architecture

Future-proof your EV charging hardware with Mer’s advanced technology

Fast Charging

7kWh – 25kWh.
Ideal for the workplace, destination, and fleet vehicles.

Rapid Charging

50kWh – 100kWh.
Great for quick turnaround, for short stays, and public use. 


150kWh – 400kWh.
Perfect for public hubs, car parks, and short-stay destinations.

Keeping the UKs businesses charged up and on the road

We work with businesses across a variety of industries, providing tailored charging strategies

Want to know more?

Contact our team of experts today for support with your business charging needs.

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03300 562 562

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Charging solution enquiries

About Mer

Powering purer electric transportation.

Learn about Mer