Complete EV Charging Strategies for Business & Landowners
Mer UK is proud to be part of European renewable energy company Statkraft. We provide tailored EV charging strategies with fit for purpose infrastructure, expert implementation support, charge point management software and aftercare. Find your sector here.
Commercial EV Charging
Attract EV drivers to your roadside and retail destinations with suitable and reliable EV charging infrastructure. We work with commercial property owners to create charging hubs for the public.
Learn more about commercial ev-charging infrastructureLocal Authorities EV Charging
Provide EV charging stations for the public or explore installing EV charging hubs at specific locations. We work with public sector bodies to install, future-fit EV infrastructure.
Start the journey with EV charging for local authoritiesEV Charging Petrol Stations
Meet the growing demand from EV drivers and ensure your petrol station provides rapid EV charging. We are experts in integrating EV chargers into forecourts.
Add EV chargers to your petrol station's services for driversSustainability at our Core
It’s at the heart of what we do, and we help your organisation meet your sustainability goals too.
The transition from fossil fuels means every UK organisation that operates vehicles needs to develop a sustainable strategy incorporating EV charging architecture.
Electrify your Fleet
Keep your electric fleet charged and on the road with EV fleet architecture. We support your fleet and design tailored charging implementations specific to your operational needs.
Discover more about ev-charging for your fleet